Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I just recently finished reading "Angels & Demons" (a fictional novel) by Dan Brown. I was very fascinated by the ambigrams in the book. An ambigram, also sometimes known as an inversion, is a graphical figure that spells out a word not only in its form as presented, but also in another direction or orientation.

I decided to have a go at creating an ambigram of my own. An ambigram of my name "Kirthy". It turns out; it's not that hard as it seems. You just need to understand the trick behind creating it and of course, use some creativity.

Try viewing the image rotated 180 degrees; you will be able to still read my name. It's probably easier if you print it and then try!

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Cars by Pixar

Its funny how I am making this post now since I saw Cars as soon as it hit the theatres. I really enjoyed the movie and was especially blown away by the brilliant animation. I really appreciate this company's remarkable craftsmanship in the art of story telling and entertainment. Their setup is so involute yet the outcome looks so simple and elegant. If you enjoy animated movies, its a must see like every other Pixar movie! Here are some tribute sketches to the awesome team at Pixar by me!

Here are some tribute sketches to the awesome team at Pixar by me!

Ford T



Doodle Animation in 10 min

I did this animation by doodling with my mouse. The tool is so limited but it was fun making a stick figured buzz jump off just to find what was lying in his way. Well, what can you expect in 10 minutes anyway ;) ?

Check it out yourself and post comments!!!